Quality DPF Particle Cleaning Machines

Quality DPF Particle Cleaning Machines
Quality DPF Particle Cleaning Machines

Quality DPF Particle Cleaning Machines are produced to be compatible with all vehicle brands and models. These machines, which have an ergonomic design, have a very easy installation. The product is offered by the company for one year warranty.

Features of DPF particle cleaning machine (DPFMAC LINE2100) with open cabinet are as follows:

  • There are Complete Stainless Internal Connection Elements.
  • 14 Lt. with stainless feature. It has a Water Reservoir.
  • It has 4800 Watt Redundant Heat Resistance.
  • Thanks to the Pneumatic Particulate Filter Holder, it has a very easy use.
  • There is Adjustable Air Inlet with Air Conditioner.

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